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Happy Thanksgiving!

1 Thessolonians 5:16 tells us to "Rejoice Evermore". And I'm also reminded of Psalms 118:24 "This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

I have so much to be thankful for! We all do! I've loved seeing all the family pictures of gatherings of friends and family that have already been posted on Facebook. I've enjoyed seeing the food pictures and receipes. What a joyful and happy time! But today, there are those who may be feeling a little emptiness. I know last night, I was thinking about my Mom and Dad and missing them. Thanksgiving was always a great time for our family. It was really the only time, the entire family spent time together. I know that is the case for many families. As years go by, things change and we begin "new traditions" for different reasons.

As this morning's song says, "in the good times, in the bad, when I'm happy and when I'm sad, my Savior says, child there's one thing you can do. Rejoice!" "Walk on another mile. You know this journey will only last a little while. Very soon, you'll see My face, until then I'll give you grace. Be glad, lift your voice. Rejoice!" "But when you feel you're all alone, remember God's still on His throne. He says, Rejoice, My child, your help is on its way!"

For all the things I'm thankful, I'm most thankful that God loves me and I will rejoice in it! My prayer today is you will have a very Happy Thanksgiving and you will rejoice in God's Love for you!

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