An awesome way to begin a new week! "Jesus Will Lead Me" is a good quartet toe-tapper to start my morning and I hope you will enjoy it also.
The first link is Gold City as it is the version I woke up hearing. It was always one of my favorite old Gold City's songs.
But here's a link also to Squire Parson and Redeemed. I think this is a "fun" video because we not only get to see and hear Squire but if you notice, you will see and hear a very young Ernie Hasse singing tenor.
I pray your Monday will be amazing!!!
He must have been about 23. Ernie was born in 1964 and this video I think says 1987. But I don’t know for sure. 23 sure looks young. 😁
Love the song and how old was Ernie back then?